Powerful Positive Thinking

Powerful Positive Thinking

Powerful Positive Thinking (PPT) works because it combines basic common sense with your life style and life style choices. It’s something that all of us have – it just needs developing. You do not need any special training – just a trust that everything is how it should be –...

Positive thinking means getting rid of “what if” syndrome

If this is striking a chord with you then it is probably because the exact opposite is happening in your life right now, no matter how hard you keep trying. Everything you start, every relationship, every new project seems to be a struggle and frequent...

Let positive thinking train your sub conscious

The mind acts like a sophisticated software programme for your sub conscious, the greatest computer ever devised and like computers everywhere it is totally devoid of all emotion and feeling and will do exactly what it is told. Your brain and thoughts ...

Positive thinking and New Year’s resolutions

You might as well give up now and save yourself all that stress. Why deny yourself something when it’s easier to carry on as before. Sorry, I did not catch what you said – “this time it’s different, this time I really want to su...

Positive thinking and Ebenezer Scrooge

I love this time of the year so I hope that regular visitors to my website will realise that my tongue is firmly set in my cheek for this particular blog and of course I would like to apologise in advance to Charles Dickens and his world famous book &l...

Positive thinking means raising expectations

What you expect determines the outcome of everything you do. If you expect to succeed, then most of the time you will. If you expect things to be difficult then you will not be disappointed to discover that the Universe will grant your wish. Limited ex...

Faith – the magic ingredient behind positive thinking

There are many countless and inspiring stories where a strong faith has literally produced miracles simply because those concerned believed that anything and everything was possible. It is of course because faith is the very essence of positive thinkin...

Instagram versus Reality is a no contest – Reality wins every time

We all have a stylised version of the person we would really like to be and for some it’s becoming a worldwide trend – it’s even got its own name - Instagram versus Reality. These are the people who post what they believe are compleme...

Positive Thinking and good health

Everyone is entitled to feel sorry for themselves from time to time and thankfully most bugs and viruses quickly pass and you are soon back to normal, but for a good number of people illness and pain are a way of life. Getting up in the morning require...

Online Wishing Well

This is your opportunity to tell the Universe exactly what you want, to attract the things you desire in life – money, love, peace of mind, a better job – you decide and it’s totally FREE. This is the very essence of Powerful Positiv...

Positive thinking people never get discouraged

The trouble is that some people get discouraged very easily. They fall at the first hurdle because they expect failure and the merest hint or suggestion of anything starting to go wrong is enough of a confirmation for them to give up completely. If all...