Powerful Positive Thinking

Powerful Positive Thinking

Powerful Positive Thinking (PPT) works because it combines basic common sense with your life style and life style choices. It’s something that all of us have – it just needs developing. You do not need any special training – just a trust that everything is how it should be –...

You should never feel guilty about riches and success

There are hundreds of thousands worldwide who feel this way about success, money, winning and all the other kind of things that lesser mortals strive for and fail to obtain. I doubt if most of you feel any kind of sympathy for them right now – bu...

Positive thinking and the power of love can sometimes be confusing

Nothing in the entire Universe is stronger than the power of love or sadly, more misunderstood. Love in its many forms is what keeps us together as people – love for each other, love for our children and love for someone really special – em...

This is the big FREE Money Challenge

Short of money, having trouble meeting the bills or wondering how you will get through to the end of the month? Most of us have been there at some time and you don’t need me to tell you that shortage of cash can be and is a major source of stress...

Who gave you permission to feel useless – it stops here

I find it very strange that some take such delight in criticising others. They seem to get pleasure in making other people miserable by undermining their peace of mind and making them feel inadequate. When this happens over a long period they will fina...

Negative phrases and how you can eliminate them from your life

They are the complete opposite to everything we know about the power of positive thinking, because every time you use or think such a phrase you are telling the Universe that you are worthless and totally unfit to receive any of the good things in life...

How to rid yourself of those feelings of guilt

Please do not confuse feeling guilty with genuine remorse – there are some things that are just bad – particularly where others are deliberately targeted or attacked and in such situations those people have every right to feel guilty and ca...

This is your reward for completing the Challenge

Every time you think negatively then the 30 days have to start again until you can complete the challenge and then – and only then – can you apply. They look great next to our purple bands and a double reminder that you took the challenge a...

Why giving up something is always a positive thing

You will see plenty or articles that tell you never to give up, keep trying, don’t let the ****** grind you down. If you are in a war zone fighting for your very life then of course you must keep trying – giving up is not an option. But in ...

Fear of success is only for the unworthy – and that’s not you

It seems ironic that while so many crave success and the fame and fortune that goes with it there are those that fear it with the same level of passion – at least it seems that way especially when you discover that success and the way we react to...

Fear of change? Freedom is yours whenever you’re ready

Millions remain in relationships that no longer work, jobs that have no future, homes that are no longer suitable because fear of change will never allow them to see a brighter alternative. Moving on for them means they might have to settle for somethi...