Powerful Positive Thinking

Powerful Positive Thinking

Powerful Positive Thinking (PPT) works because it combines basic common sense with your life style and life style choices. It’s something that all of us have – it just needs developing. You do not need any special training – just a trust that everything is how it should be –...

Break the chain to open up a positive future for your children

Those born into privilege take all this for granted which is why life seems so easy for them and why they attract envy from those who feel less fortunate. There is of course no doubt that being born into the right family gives you a massive head start ...

Mindfulness and positive thinking – the key to business success

It is also worth noting that most entrepreneurs have also had their fair share of failures but here is the thing that makes them different – they don’t give up and tell themselves that success is beyond them – they put positive thinki...

Change your mind set and lose that excess weight forever

You have read all the books, you may even have attended groups such as weight watchers. You have tried shakes and every faddy diet you can think of and you are still looking in the mirror and seeing a fat person looking back. Welcome to the world of th...

If you want to be wealthy you must first treat money with respect

The super-rich will not squander money. They respect it and what it can do and as a result they attract more cash and more wealth. Jealous individuals will respond with the time honoured phrase that it’s money to money and wonder why they cannot ...

Abusive relationships – What’s love got to do with it?

It gets even more difficult when you probe still further. Is loving your children or another individual for example, any different to loving a cherished pet? Do you really mean love if you are referring to a passion for a cause or hobby and why is it ...

Who gave you permission to be miserable on the 3rd Monday in January?

I think you all get the picture but as a marketing exercise it has spectacularly failed because the media has taken the concept and focussed on the misery – as we all know there is nothing like a good dose of bad news to sell papers. And because ...

Powerful Positive Thinking

Powerful Positive Thinking - Positive Thinking + Common Sense + Action = POWER Powerful Positive ThinkingPalace Court, 15-17 London Road,Maidstone ME16 8JE, UKPhone: 01622397222Email: hello@powerfulpositivethinking.org Website: https://www.powerfulposi...